Granite Worktops

Granite is the obvious choice for worktops and other home use because of its durability and being able to maintain its appearance without maintenance or deterioration.


Granite is made from igneous rock formed from cooling magma. Each individual slab is uniquely patterned with inconsistent pattern which provides a striking appearance. Granite worktops are waterproof, stain-resistant and pretty much scratch proof. They are very durable meaning they are able to sustain wear and tear over many years. There is lots of activity in the kitchen with numerous utensils being used and dropped but these worktops and able to withstand the rough treatment they may receive in the busiest of kitchens and bathrooms. This igneous rock has also recently become popular for use as floorings and splash backs.


Granite worktops are renowned for being both durable and hygienic (as it is easily sterilised). Other features include its toughness, glassy finish when polished and the fact that it will last for many years, and is extremely easy to look after. It is also highly scratch and heat resistant, it keeps its colour and it is easy to keep clean with just a wipe over. That is why it is the No 1 choice for both kitchens and bathrooms. This type of worktop can help to redefine limited space as it extremely versatile and can be shaped into most designs.


The blending of this rock is very important for kitchen designs as it needs to match other colours within the kitchen as well as looking elegant but as there are so many different colours of this rock it will never be a problem.


Although granite is extremely easy to keep clean and maintain, it should not be rubbed down with abrasive materials (such as scouring detergents wire wool, metal pads and alkaline and chlorine based cleaners or bleach), it should also not be hit with blunt or heavy objects as it can crack, chip and even break. The best way to look after and protect your granite worktop is to use clean warm water with a light neutral detergent, and rinse with clean warm water and a dry chamois leather or similar type of cloth.


Kitchens and Granite Worktops

The latest design magazines show that there seems to be quite a retro feel happening in the kitchen cabinet design world right now with curves making a big come back – curve fronted drawer units, curved ends to and an endless choice of curved handles. To get worktops to fit on these new design of cabinets ordinary laminate can be difficult to manufacture to follow the lines of the curves but with granite being solid the worktops can be cut to match these quite easily and they will literally follow the contours of the kitchen.

To make a bold contemporary statement then choosing a strong coloured kitchen door in say red, black or aubergine will do the trick and they look fabulous with steel appliances. Definitely a look that goes well in a loft apartment or large open plan living area. A smaller space would benefit by mixing in some white high gloss doors to add light.

There are a few things to consider when choosing granite worktops to go with these modern/retro kitchens:

  • Light granites will need to be resealed on a more regular basis as the spilt remains of say a curry could possibly stain them. If this is a worry then it could be a better chocie to go with a mid tone granite such as steel grey, which will also compliment your stainless steel appliances.
  • If there is a lot of white in your kitchen you might want to create a contrast with some of the brown granites (which are also very easy to maintain on a day to day basis) to add some warmth.
  • If your kitchen worktops are likely to need a lot of joins then it is best to avoid any granites made up from a markedly striated pattern as this may make the joins more noticeable.

So as “natural” seems to be the word when it comes to interior design right now, especially with the huge choice of natural wood doors, granite is a practical and very stylish choice for your worktops.


Features of Granite Worktops

Granite has always been the popular choice of people for residential and commercial buildings because of its great benefits.


Features of granite:

Granite is well known for its rough and tough characteristics. It is heat resistant and for this reason it is extensively used in the kitchens.


Granite plays vital role in customizing the appearance of the kitchen which can result in a smarter and sophisticated look. The granite is a durable material and can last for years without deteriorating in the quality.


One of the prime reasons why people choose granite or marble is because it requires minimum maintenance and cleaning. Granite a sturdy material and there won’t be any wear and tear for a long duration. The fact that it is available in wide range of designs, colors and patterns is another added advantage for the buyers.


Use of marble in bathrooms:

It is hard to imagine a modern house without marble bathroom. It has become a key component of a modern home and now the people just can’t ignore it. It is also very common in the hotels, conference rooms and restaurants etc.


Marble bathroom brings that long term glaziness and excellence to the house because of its layers of glass, solid surfaces and natural colors.


You will need to make sure that you hire specialized contractor for developing marble theme in your marble bathroom or else they might end up ruining the looks.


A specialized contractor will be very familiar with the procedure of setting marble tile to bring that perfect look of style and elegance to your bathroom.


Selecting a marble tile for your bathroom shouldn’t be a big challenge to you, given the choice of wide range of colors, designs and patterns available in the open market. You don’t require an expert to choose your marble stones.


How is granite useful in kitchen?

When you decide to remodel your kitchen there are two things which you’ll need to consider. Primarily, it should be durable, long lasting, stain free and you shouldn’t have too much trouble of maintaining it. Secondly, it should provide you the ultimate look which sets up your kitchen.



Granite kitchen countertop has emerged as the most favorite material used in construction and remodeling of kitchens. These countertops provide a beautiful and classy look to your kitchen and it is also durable. It lasts for many years and withstands wear and tear and cracks.

Another reason why this natural stone is so popularly used in kitchen is because of it’s heat resistant characteristics.


Granite counter tops are the must in every modern kitchen for giving it that stylish and appealing look. There are lots of other countertops available in the market made of ceramic or zinc material, but granite clearly stands out among them due to the above features.


How to Choose Kitchen Worktops

Kitchen worktops represent an important step, when it comes to fitting the kitchen counter. This is done on grounds both aesthetic and functional features. So the kitchen granite worktops have to match the furniture but also resist scratch and be absorbent. To find the most suitable material for this part of the kitchen, a person can look for opinions of their community members, or of people who have already remodelled their kitchens.


What do other people say about kitchen worktops?


Some people believe that granite worktops are very good, whereas other say the best thing happening to a kitchen is granite. Kitchen worktops can be put together of materials very expensive, or not so expensive. There is a wide variety of choices, among them being granite and marble. Neither of these two is expensive.


Other people who have used different kinds of kitchen granite worktops now believe the best choice is represented by granite worktops, and more precise black granite worktops. The commercial name is nero Africa impala and usually it is 1.2 inch thick. Usually granite kitchen worktops do not stain. This safety measure is even better applied if granite is treated with recommended solutions, such as silicon solutions.


Depending on how much money a person spends they can choose to have a marble countertop or a composite one. But of all kitchen worktops granite ones can be cheaper than marble, and they look very good. Further more, they can be modelled on the spot, according to the walls, which are seldom perpendicular. The sink is directly folded, so is the stove and any other holes you may need, they are already cut out.



Prices of natural rocks vary greatly from one type to another, but usually such materials as marble or granite may be expensive, but they come with a great deal of advantages. The fitting and the cut outs of kitchen granite worktops the sink may cost a person a little extra, especially if the shape is other than rectangular.


Any natural rock should be treated with a waterproofing solution, which does not allow staining material, but this happens only if small quantities are consumed. No, marble and granite are not the materials to absorb large amounts of these substances. Not to be confused about this aspect of kitchen granite worktops!

Beauty of Granite Kitchen worktops

Granite’s durability and beautifully vivid patterns are some of the main reasons why this natural material continues to be the most popular choice for kitchen countertops. Granite is also one of the most resilient stones to heat, stains and abrasions, which is why it’s a firm favorite for almost all kitchen surfaces.


A natural stone quarried far below the Earth’s service, the granite kitchen countertop you choose has been over a thousand years in the making – so it will truly stand the test of time! Unlike synthetic imitations, a natural material such as Granite offers unrivalled beauty and uniqueness – no two pieces are ever the same making your kitchen countertop elegantly distinctive.


When selecting a business from which to buy your new granite counters, make sure they are experienced, take pride in their products and offer high quality granite from all over the world. They should also offer installation services and help you find the grade, color and a variety of edging finishes. Granite’s popularity is everlasting and is one that will add significant value to your home.

What to consider when selecting your granite



One of the most distinguishable elements of granite is its diverse color palette. Dependent upon a stone’s mineralogy, the colors typically associated with granite range from muted beiges and rose pinks, classic black-and-whites to saturated reds, rich greens and even multi-colors.


Granite is instantly recognisable by its striking flecked or “pebbled” appearance. Its texture is an unmistakable sign of quality, igniting interior splendour in any home.


Natural sources offer varied appearances and charming characteristics, giving a one-of-a-kind appeal that simply can’t be replicated by a machine, but you can rest assured that top supplier buy and install only the finest grades of granite.



Granite’s longevity and durability are what make this material an ideal countertop. However there are a number of different finishes available for Granite – all of which will enhance the quality and seal the permanence of your natural stone. These are:


Polished Finish – This finish gives a shiny, mirror-like effect. It intensifies the color and pattern adding even more sparkle to your stone. Polishing reduces Granite’s porosity, which increases its resistance to humidity and chemical substances commonly used in your kitchen. This is an ideal choice for busy families.


Honed – This technique achieves a smooth, non-reflective surface, although it can make your granite more porous so shouldn’t be considered for a countertop that will be used regularly.

Brushed/Antiqued – This treatment gives a textured, slightly worn appearance that is a daring choice, which will add dramatic effect.


Flamed finishes – The act of exposing the granite to extreme heat followed by intense cooling leaves the granite with a highly textured, slip-resistant surface – again a good choice for families.



Granite is recognised as one of the hardest stones for interior applications. Offering an impenetrable surface, it’s nearly impossible for it to crack, take on abrasions or scratches.


The high resistance to heat makes Granite an ideal surface for a kitchen where cooking appliances and hot cookware will be in use. With or without a finish, Granite’s surface can be easily cleaned to remove bacteria. It’s also extremely tolerable of tea, coffee, citric acid, alcohol and wine.


Granite is almost impossible to stain, but you should ask your countertop vendor about sealants available to improve its resistance to staining. Once you’ve made your choice, be ready to love your granite countertops for many years to come!


Tips for Effective Investor Pitch

The hardest presentations to make is the entrepreneurial pitch. You have a great idea for a business and you want someone to give you money to make it happen.

 1. Bring in all people inside bedroom: Just be sure you know each and every investor’s biography, especially whether it is easily-accessible on the internet. Inquire the shareholders plus the persons sitting in about the pitch to introduce on their own. It helps to determine that’s the main to create eyesight hitting the ground with as well as exactly what kind of pitch to focus on.

a couple of. Tend not to perform like some sort of visionary: Feel-good visionary claims as part of your review slide will never be obtained well. As an alternative to supplying some sort of quest record, offer a accurate as well as obvious value idea as soon as pitching to shareholders.

3. Title decline: If possible, identify decline brands and people that are involved with the company-customers, companions, as well as members from the group. The particular trader would need to know that’s required on the really start of the pitch. This kind of boosts the reliability swiftly as well as ahead of time. If you do choose to identify decline, advise each one of the people who a great trader could possibly be getting in touch with these individuals in the future. As well as, do not make-up brands.

four. Maintain it brief: Should your pitch meets twenty units, the shareholders can get really fidgety as well as bored stiff. In truth, it is often identified that many VCs region available immediately after 15 slideshow. Fifteen to twenty units would be the perfect pitch duration. Make sure to depart moment intended for trader queries immediately after as well as through the speech.

5. Present suggestions: Good examples usually are the most effective affordable the shareholders to concentrate. Present tangible, amazing suggestions within your pitch. Contain numbers, charts, as well as truth. Reveal to shareholders how consumers can certainly work with the goods and services.

6. Allow it to be circulation: The clumsy pitch is usually a demise time period for a prospective firm. Be sure that the speech streams without problems throughout. The particular audience’s gestures as well as queries will probably inform you exactly what route the pitch goes from the 1st 3 units. Make sure you usually are the boss of the circulation, certainly not the market.

7. Be sensible: Be sensible in terms of how much time a profitable business requires to have from the ground. Avoid getting as well upbeat as soon as presenting some sort of timeline, but in addition will not over exaggerate some time framework. To become sensible, assess the timeline to that particular regarding different businesses’.

8. Maintain it uncomplicated, ridiculous: HUG, several concepts for many presentations. Present content-rich principal points as well as uncomplicated words as soon as presenting. Slideshow as well as internet pages together with an excessive amount text message is usually a total turn-off to shareholders.

9. Tend not to rest: It’s seeing that effortless seeing that that. Simply do not get it done.

10. Ones speech should never standalone: Finally, make sure that the speech wants A PERSON in order to make it comprehensible. The of your pitch would be to show shareholders with your personal words, certainly not hand them over some sort of record to learn. Should your shareholders desire some sort of record challenging information, palm these individuals your small business approach, certainly not the speech describe.

Pitch to investors

The People are likely to be swamped with the huge quantity of papers by probable investor buyers. Clientele attempt attractive to buyers concerning fantastic investor chances, but more often than not this papers gets to be overwhelming and also will not answer this pushing inquiries buyers need to have dealt with. Therefore, don’t overburden your buyer with unnecessary stats, further spreadsheets, along with other data. Rather, stick to these pointers therefore you will stroll through your company meeting with funds in-hand.

Maintain that Uncomplicated

In case a prospect is presented with fancy graphics, wordy stuff with out user-friendly summarize to follow along with, then this viewer will be quit to comprehend inquiries than responses. This gets to be fiascos to read the details provided. It can be a complete disgust frustrating talks by ongoing to a higher amount. Current an effective overview of the offer. Ones buyer does not need granular details through the first period. Conserve this great items for when you match.

Number Prices

Enlighten this buyer concerning how much you will be purchasing the offer and also what kind of money has been preferred outwardly. An over-all principle to follow along with inside dividing equity would be the buyer makes sense 90% as you fork out 10%. This can be a average divide any time providing real estate investment chances. Nevertheless local plumber and also be sure to tend to be certain regarding the charges previous to arranging this paperwork. It is a vital section the complete method.

Point out Roi (ROI)

The particular buyer loves you in regards to the bottom line. He/she wishes to know very well what is that personally. What will he/she gain using this investment? Could it be worthy of his/her time and also funds? Thus, you have to evidently catalog what exactly this resume this buyer will be within this specific cope. Number what exactly you will definitely fork out annually. Make use of an internal Price regarding Go back (IRR) finance calculator to help make this figures. Provide investor with what this once-a-year returning will be around several years. Protect your foundation. This specific section is likely to make or even separate your cope.

Current a period Shape

The majority of authorities maintain 3-4 a long time is a popular timeframe for investor chances. Even so, remember. For you can find buyers exactly who choose an elevated long-term returning in the event the figures are more interesting than more than a smaller timeframe. Recognize that timeframe has included overall appeal and also agree to the time figure accordingly.

Include Assisting Data

Produce truthful promoting info for charges and/or figures attached to your first demonstration being sure you happen to be in depth but not overbearing. This specific simple process ensures reliability via appearing you happen to be extensive in your demonstration. Additionally, if your buyer has inquiries down the road and also a person provide, then this promoting info makes certain the answer is suitable when in front of him/her building assurance in your prep abilities to investors.


Fix Business Plan

Having a well-developed program is crucial for almost any enterprise. Specifically, a company program can help enterprisers in addition to operators recognize in addition to take on a lot of the reasons for enterprise downfalls, including:

Overestimating Requirement – Insufficient research causes misalignment with the enterprise estimations in comparison to the actual potential pointed out from the industry. A huge proportion regarding corporations which don’t succeed, implement it simply because predicted gross sales certainly not materialize.

Underestimating Opposition – Discovering current in addition to potential opposition just isn’t sufficient. Establishing why is your business diverse is usually very important to achieve the market.


Too little Investment capital – The majority companies in addition to initiatives enormously take too lightly the quantity of cash they require as well as the moment they have to successfully deploy the idea.


Vulnerable Managing Staff – Numerous not successful undertakings don’t recognize the management holes. Which successful delivery needs getting the appropriate crew in place is usually fundamental to create the ecological firm.

Sub-par Dollars Managing – Not understanding when, the reason why in addition to what quantity of money a company uses is usually a menu intended for catastrophe.

Insufficient Distinct Technique – Exactly where can this company get? What exactly marketplaces manages to do it goal? That solution blend to make available? What exactly business model is suitable? All are queries which have to be responded to before having your big stage.


Incorrect Target market – Malfunction to recognize your subtleties regarding industry segmentation might indicate your distinction between a true enterprise and just a good suggestion which certainly not takes-off.

Overinvestment throughout Repaired Possessions – Without a suitable program, a few companies end up spending all their money in a bad locations. Counterintuitive since it seems, overspending throughout fixed property, significantly minimizes a brand new company’s chances for you to make it through.

Unawareness regarding Pitfalls – Negative setting up is just welcoming just about all challenges aspects for you to materialise. Having a serious comprehension of potential challenges, is usually fundamental success methods for almost any brand-new challenge.

Unanticipated Strong Growth – Uncontrolled development may wipe out a company. Not having an agenda to deal with a rapid improve throughout earnings is usually more prevalent compared to idea.

Krogger is a leading advisory firm specialised in business planning, valuation and business formation consulting. We partner with entrepreneurs and companies across different industries and geographies to identify, develop and execute high-value business ideas.

More importantly in addition to especially intended for start-ups, an exceptional enterprise program is the sine qua low regarding profitable funds elevating. Throughout today’s surroundings, in which funds is usually scarce in addition to one of the most progressive tips incur expenses although have little or no earnings in the beginning, it really is difficult to improve cash with no a means to communicate correctly with potential shareholders or maybe creditors. This is actually the part of your enterprise program, for this reason their importance.

Business Plan

Today we are going to talk about your business consultant business plan and I am going to challenge you to leave the hole. Let me explain what I mean. As consultants we do a lot of thinking. Our job is to think on behalf of our clients, but when it comes to our own business we think too much.

For a business project to become a reality, a well-written, professional business plan is imperative. At Krogger, we follow a systematic, proprietary approach to write business plans that are geared towards taking our clients’ ideas to their full potential.

We write world-class business plans. We work with our clients to develop documents that truly reflect what’s unique and exciting about their ideas. We fully research our clients’ markets and derive powerful insights that drive the key differentiators of their products and services. We build realistic, actionable and dynamic financials that capture the capital raising needs of our clients, but more importantly that highlight the opportunity that lays ahead of them and their potential investors.

At Krogger, we challenge our clients. Not only will you get a professional business plan that will exceed your expectations, but also you will end up with a stronger business case and heightened confidence to raise capital and execute on your plan.

We like to believe that our clients embark on a journey when we work together. We like to believe that what we do goes beyond a business plan





Reasons why Brand new Business people need to be Goal-Oriented

We like to believe that we are different from other advisors and that this difference is what allows us to help our clients make things happen.

There’s always an atmosphere of alleviation as well as accomplishment when the entrepreneur actually reaches the woman’s set ambitions. From which stage, your lover could glimpse back having great inner thoughts which she’s profiting. Here are some 5 reasons why completely new internet marketers need to be goal-oriented.

01. Several completely new internet marketers typically find it difficult to give attention to everything. Goal-orientation ensures true concentrate. Should you have a new give attention to a particular aim and you perform things day-to-day to satisfy which aim, you have better probability of succeeding. This way, you can apply more with the all round good thing about the organization.

02. Chaos as well as ailment often bring about unnecessary waste of wedding ceremony. In the event a business person is usually goal-oriented, some level of order typically emerges. This way, more things have finished with reduced time period supports. Along with distinct order, you are by no means inside doubt with regards to what you need as well as getting what you need.

3. Goal-orientation typically supplies a program regarding calculating achievements. The idea allows you to know anything with regards to improvement as well as precisely what quantum of achievements there is certainly in just a provided timeframe. If you’re not able to measure the length of time as well as precisely how well you are doing, it is tough to know should you be making improvement. If you’re not able to measure improvement, you possibly can by no means learn when you find yourself declining or even should you be succeeding.

’04. Goal-orientation aids you to stimulate this entrepreneur regarding more accomplishments. Should you have a new give attention to a goal, there’s a tendency to figure tougher as well as superior. While using the understanding that all your measures are of help to consider anyone nearer to your aim, you get to function tougher. The fact that you have your aim well on the horizon can certainly nudge one to produce a final force in order to do it. It really is which requirement that drives.

05. Any time everybody carries a give attention to reaching their set ambitions, people often be competitive superior. Goal-orientation moves a considerable ways in order to inspire nutritious competition. Any time completely new internet marketers learn how to be competitive well, the complete level of production is usually significantly improved. Of which style of placing significantly rewards this establishments of countless nations around the world.

This is some really good advice regarding completely new internet marketers. No-one should go directly into small business should they will not be completely determined precisely what they need to perform. All people will need to have a new primary intention at heart before going forth. From it, your awareness is usually upon getting this aim. Of which concentrate is essentially liable for creating this permitting surroundings as well as push to get more performed to succeed in set ambitions. In the event you are able to receive far more helpful things performed within your small business, anyone remain a greater possible opportunity to do well. Left over relevant as well as staying regarded from the small business you choose to do is always a perfect wish regarding completely new internet marketers. Exactly how goal-oriented you are, is usually one guaranteed action fot it best.

Krogger is a leading advisory firm specialized in business planning, valuation and business formation consulting. We successfully combine our deep functional knowledge with our commercial experience to offer clients unique solutions that are comprehensive and actionable.
